Finicky Felix

Sravani Mallavarapu
2 min readJul 11, 2020

Felix Butler took a moment before shutting down the computer in his office. He admired his tidy, crystal clear glass desk, the black keyboard perfectly central, his fountain pens laid out neatly and color coded. Finicky Felix is what the others in the building called him. Nothing ever out of place, any file he ever handed anyone had its papers carefully fitted together, never a crumb on the carpet after lunch in his office. On top of that, Felix was always impeccably dressed, always a fresh pressed suit, freshly shaved, neat hair and he always smelled good too. The type of guy that visited the gym every morning before work and would choose a refreshing glass of water over coffee to keep him awake and alert during the day. Many of his co-worker attribute his success to his organization and professional appearance.

Felix stood up and took a few steps toward the back of his office, he took another moment to appreciate the view of the city out of his floor to ceiling windows. It was late and it was dark, Felix could see his reflection in the window. Despite the long and stressful day of important back to back meetings his suit hadn’t creased and there was still no hair out of place. He looked down on the shining lights and listened to the hustle and bustle of the city before putting on his coat, switching off the light and heading home.

Once he got home, Felix fell exhausted onto his brown couch right next to his pile of take out menus. Pizza, he’d decided he’d order tonight. His pizza arrived, thin and crispy, cheesy and greasy and absolutely delicious. He managed four large slices and decided to put the leftovers in the fridge. He opened the refrigerator door and found there was certainly no room for the box but he had worked out that if he rolled the remaining pizza slices up, still dripping with oil, he could just about fit them into the salad drawer.

Carefully Felix ventured up the stairs with his empty pizza box, a hop, skip and a jump to make sure he didn’t disturb any boxes or knick-knacks or candy wrappers that lived there. He found it slightly difficult to balance properly with the box still in his hands but he’d done this many times before so he managed. He crawled, with the box, underneath the pile of newspapers he kept outside the door and into the bathroom. He climbed up a small step ladder and placed the box on top of the pile of others he kept in the bath, almost up to the ceiling. Once again, he shuffled on his hands and knees out of the bathroom and into the corner of the landing. Felix curled up on the carpet and closed his eyes to sleep, he had an early start in the morning after all. He had to pick up his suit from the dry cleaners and shower at the gym.

